This series explores the vast and mysterious universe, introducing viewers to a variety of alien life forms who all share a common goal of attaining enlightenment.
Despite their different backgrounds and beliefs, these beings work to transcend their limitations by cultivating themselves and becoming powerful and even immortal.
However, the pursuit of enlightenment is a fierce competition, leading to conflicts among the various beings.
Only a select few can achieve enlightenment in each era, but they soon realize that even enlightenment cannot protect them from fate.
Powerful beings rule over them, harvesting the essence of each era for their own ambition, raising and feeding on the various races and spirits, destroying worlds in the process.
Throughout history, those who achieve enlightenment refuse to be harvested and continue to rebel, but each attempt is unsuccessful until the protagonist Ye Yu appears.
He uncovers secrets and unravels the story of the ages, growing and experiencing love and friendship, purifying his dusty heart, and ultimately confronting the being who harvests the races and spirits of the universe.